The Surrey Domestic Abuse Partnership is aware the measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19 will put survivors of domestic abuse at further risk. Being unable to leave the home will make accessing support even more difficult and being isolated at home with a perpetrator increases the risk of serious harm or worse. The Home Office has published advice and guidance for those who are experiencing or feel at risk of domestic abuse during the outbreak.


In danger, need the police, but can’t speak?

SILENT SOLUTION is a way for the public to access help in an emergency situation even if it’s not safe, or they are unable to speak. This solution allows someone to make themselves heard and let the 999 operator know the call is genuine.

Bright Sky App

Bright Sky is an App providing support and information for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, or someone concerned about a friend or family member. In addition, the app is available for use by employers and service providers and includes:

  • A UK-wide directory of specialist domestic abuse support services
  • A secure My Journal tool to record incidents of abuse via text, audio, video or photo form, without any of the content being saved on the device itself
  • Questionnaires to assess the safety of a relationship, plus a section on dispelling myths around domestic and sexual abuse
  • Links to further resources and information on topics around domestic abuse

You can download Bright Sky for free on the Google Play Store and App Store, where it is available in English, Polish, Punjabi and Urdu.