From the Friday 4 November to 30 December ‘The Local Plan – Sites Consultation’ gives you the opportunity to comment on individual sites submitted to the Council for consideration. Each site has now been through a landscape and ecology assessment, in addition to being considered alongside other evidence to further understand whether it could be developed or not.

The consultation sets out which sites:

  • Could be realistically developed
  • Cannot be recommended for development
  • Need more investigation before a decision can be made either way

The Sites Consultation is underpinned by evidence which can be used to protect the Green Belt and does not make any decisions about if and where land could be allocated for development, or make decisions that alter the boundary of the Green Belt.

In addition, it includes further details about the potential for a new village or large extension to an existing settlement and asks whether this is a strategy we should pursue.

The results of the Site Consultation will inform the next draft of the Tandridge District Council Local Plan which will undergo consultation in autumn 2017.

We want you to feel you have been able to shape and influence the place you live, work or visit, so please take this opportunity to tell us what you think.

Drop in Sessions – Attend a session where you can talk to planning staff about the consultation. (Note: Drop in session dates are now over.)

Drop In Sessions are now over

Find out more about The Local Plan at Tandridge District Council website